We are proud partners of FareShare since 2020, helping them with their mission to redistribute surplus food to charities that turn it into meals. As one of the first companies to tackle the redistribution of surplus food in lockdown, McDonald’s UK has since funded the redistribution of 5 million meals a year through charitable donations.

We are continuing to work with FareShare to ensure they get vital supplies to those in greatest need in our communities, all while ensuring precious resources don’t go to waste.

Find out more about the charity hereRegistered Charity Number: 1100051

FareShare Distribution Centres

McDonald’s UK donated over 60 tonnes of food to FareShare in December 2020 as part of the ongoing partnership. Vicky Pattison and Pete Wicks went down to a FareShare centre in Leicester to see how food is being donated, sorted and distributed to families in need.

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