Nutrition FAQs

Where can I find information about product nutrition and ingredients?

To quickly access nutrition & ingredients information in the App, select "Nutrition & More" on the bottom navigation bar, then select "Nutritional Information," and search for the desired food item within the categories provided. Once you locate the food item, select the product tile. You will find a short description of the product as well as a "View Nutrition Summary" tab and "View Ingredients & Allergens" tab. If you have already started your Mobile Order, select the product title of the food item and select the "Nutrition & Ingredients" topic, if available. You can also find specific nutritional information on all of our McDonald’s products on

Where can I learn more about what’s in your food?

We've got your questions covered on the Our Food, Your Questions page. You can learn about how our fries are made, where the eggs in our Egg McMuffin® come from, and what’s really in our hamburgers (hint: 100% beef).

Can you give me a link to the menu choices offered outside the U.S.?

Nutrition information for international menu items is posted on the individual country’s website. Visit our international About Us page to find links to each country’s website, where you can find products, nutrition, and feedback on each country’s corporate website.

Do you have a gluten-free list of menu items?

We currently don't certify any menu items as gluten-free. We encourage you to check the ingredients information for individual menu items. However, despite taking precautions, normal kitchen operations may involve some shared cooking and preparation areas, equipment and utensils, and the possibility exists for your food items to come in contact with other food products, including some that may contain gluten. Check out our Full Menu.

I’m diabetic. Do you offer sugar free syrup?

We currently do not offer sugar-free hotcake syrup.

Why don’t you offer decaf iced coffee?

Some McDonald’s brand restaurants do! It’s great to know that you love it. You never know what you’ll find on our menus next!

Why does the Filet-O-Fish® have only a half-slice of cheese?

We go by the same recipe one of our franchisees came up with way back when in 1961. Who knew, right? Of course, you can always ask for 'extra' cheese the next time you order a tasty Filet-O-Fish® at your local McDonald's. It’s the 21st Century, after all.

Why can’t I get bagels at my restaurant?

Some menu items are found regionally in our restaurants and not offered across the U.S.

How much caffeine is in your coffee?

We publish the nutrients in our food as required by the FDA. However, the FDA does not require publishing caffeine levels.

Have a specific question about our food?

Get answers on the Our Food, Your Questions page.

Where can I find ingredient and allergen information for McDonald’s menu items?

From the Order screen in the App, select an item of interest, then select “Nutrition & Ingredients” to review the nutrition and ingredients of that item.Some menu items are found regionally in our restaurants and not offered across the U.S.

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